I'm an old fart who farts.

Matt @FrozenFire

Age 33, Male

Graphic Designer

Texas A&M University

Houston, TX

Joined on 9/26/05

Exp Points:
33,540 / 33,580
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
9.61 votes
Art Scouts
Lt. General
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
11y 4m

FrozenFire's News

Posted by FrozenFire - August 27th, 2008

My XBLA GamerTag is fr0z3nf1r3 (Frozenfire with numbers for vowels)

I won't be playing much online until the weekend though. D:

Here is a picture of what appears to be a pedophile. ;D

Play Castle Crashers With Me.

Posted by FrozenFire - July 28th, 2008

I'm going to be leaving for a week on an RV trip from Texas to Illinois on the 30th. My father's family is located near Peoria and we are taking the long way in a nice RV. I will most likely do my NGCollab piece on the drive.
Weebl and Bob is so hard to animate ZOMG. (nonotrly)

The Movie StepBrothers was quite funny until the end. They had to be all serious and I got bored for the last 10 minutes but the Credits scene made up for it. ;)

I Submitted the PixelTool Collab to NG and it got a really high score! 4.27 I was shocked! Steven of ABS was kind enough to share some wealth with me and a few members of the collab for advertisement in return. Rtil has made his part even better than before.

I have a secret project that I won't go into until it gets into development. I also have been working on a movie with Tomamoto, we have written part of the script. I have animated very little though, I was hoping this trip could get me working, because I can't arse myself to work on it.

The Random Society Website is starting to kick up some competitions. The Photoshop Contest is up and I got President Bush to do some pretty wacky things. There are some other funny photos if you want to check them out go to the forums and check out the contests

PixelToolCollab Results + More stuff

Posted by FrozenFire - July 19th, 2008

I recently realized that windows came with a keyboard application.. now i can type with my cintiq while resting in my bed. ;]


Posted by FrozenFire - June 29th, 2008

I know I saw Alien Hominid get some publicity on Mega64, but I recently watched X-Play. The VideoGame Review show on G4Tv has got its hilarity moments, but it's recent shows seem to be more serious since great Video games are about as easy to find as is an Elephant in a pack of Cats.

Seeing them put Castle Crashers on TV is a Huge Thing! They used footage provided from the website (Where Dan works his magic to create an environment or scene) as well as some gameplay most likely obtained from Cons where the game is showcased.

http://www.g4tv.com/xplay/videos/26607 /Under_the_Radar_Far_Cry_2_Castle_Cras hers.html?keyword_key=305&videoCategor y_key=8

They warn to look out for these games, so they advertise the game and the Behemoth. The only thing not there is Newgrounds which is kind of disappointing.

Looks like a great game and I am sure to buy it when it comes out guys, good work.

Ps. Also these Fellers are fucking Adorable, and if you want to see other animal orbs and their powers as well as Characters and Weapons for Castle Crashers, I suggest you go to Dan's Site.

Castle Crashers on G4TV!!!

Posted by FrozenFire - May 31st, 2008

I have Ordered the Smallest Cintiq Model after spending a quick 1082$ :P
Now I got to earn that money back by animating some stuff.


Both of my big projects have not been started yet, but planning has been implemented.

First off, I have been working with Tomamoto a little bit to see if we can kick off a series. It's going to be like a Kickass version of Shin Chan, but I'm not going to give any big info about it until it nears the release. I have been writing the script and we have decided to collaborate with the writing process so I have stopped to wait for approval and additions.
Then Rina-Chan of the Awesome Series has agreed to do the main character's voices while Toma does the others. If You are a voice actor, I have made sure to leave some small parts for you guys to get your voices in if you want to participate. Knowing me, I always like to get people to have some fun and interest in my projects by letting them take place inside of it.

Then I have been ripping apart many songs as well as asking Proudone to be prepared for any song requests because he's my amazing music man.

My Second project is not even off the ground yet, but once I get approval I will be diligently working on it as well with Joliner. This project is a game based solely on gravity, so it's slightly out of the players control whether he/she wins or loses. It's mostly a "Luck" or "Guesstimate" kind of game.

HERES A LOVELY MESSAGE FOR THE EVER SO WONDERFUL ME. This message was sent to me a long time ago and was a big misunderstanding but I still find it completely hilarious.

Cintiq and Projects in Motion.

Posted by FrozenFire - May 12th, 2008

Im wasting my front page post on this so I hope I get some good answers.

What Drawing tablets can project the monitor's view on them? Like a second screen to write on.

I have foolishly bought one before that didn't do this and I did not like it because it was cheap and broke :P

I know there are such tablets out there but I have had a hell of a time trying to find one.

Quick Tablet Question.

Posted by FrozenFire - April 17th, 2008

The Collab is Nearing Completion and There is ONE OPEN PART left.

People can BATTLE it out for this part until April 30th when Kartune Hustla and I will Judge for the best Entry.

These Parts are Sturdy, mostly finished and NOT Up for grabs.


Rtil(Late Start, Amazing Part... most likely) :P




Daj (40%)

Kartune Hustla(90%)



Part 2 is the only Part left. There have been 3 Submissions for part 2 so far, and I would like to get a little more enthusiasm for this collab so Im holding out for more artists to participate.

Part 2 is 13 seconds long, and it is to the tune of Touchdown Turnaround by HelloGoodbye

In your reply give me your Email, I will send the sound file your way.

30 FPS
Rename all your Library Junk or put it into a folder :D

The Part must consist of AT LEAST 50% Pixel Tool. (Preferred if BrushSize is more than 2)

To get the Pixel Tool on your FlashAddons, Download this link.


And to those of you not interested.


Posted by FrozenFire - March 24th, 2008

Alright Uneducated visitors of the Front Page who obviously never read these things, this is another retarded rant about people saying Reviews are "Useless" and "Harmful" Just because they are negative.

Since Bricks of text won't interest people who review with such substance as "Yo Rox, Haff Muh BABEES." or "MAIK MOAR N0W PL0x!" and Vote 10, I guess I will have to keep it short and Sweet.

-If a review says "This sux. Go die" - it is a Hurtful, agressive, cruel Review. So say it is so.

-If a review says "I dun like this." - it is useless as a review.

-If a review says "Very Nice Job, I like it!" - it is useless as a review, because it does not tell why the reviewer liked it.. It doesn't give any suggestions, hints, Good Points, or even a "Favorite Part"

-If a review says "This is okay, I really think you could have toned down the Music a bit, it was covering up the dialogue and I couldn't understand." - it is HELPFUL as a review. It gives a Hint, suggestion, something to make it better. Personally as an animator I don't appriciate "GOOD JOB! I want to kiss your ass!" as much as "Avoid doing these kinds of tweens or movements."

-If a review says " GREAT JOB!!! I REALLY LIKED HOW YOU USED THOSE ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS! " - it is Helpful, because it helps the animator know that the Atmospheric effects are something he should keep doing in his later movies. Now he knows that his audience really likes those effects!

Just Keep this in Mind.. I have been seeing this bullcrap for a while now and I finally Arsed Myself to type this.

For bothering to click on my post I will give you a nice Photoshop pic I made a while back out of Lincoln sitting in his cozy chair.

Another Useless Review..

Posted by FrozenFire - March 17th, 2008

New Banner, Icon, and Avatar. I thought Now that I had access to photoshop at school I could make something decent.

Just a heads up.. This is the first time Ive changed it since the NG Redesign.

Posted by FrozenFire - March 10th, 2008

SO.. I have been working with Kartune Hustla for a week now and Believe it or not we are about 2 weeks from Finishing.. 4 out of 9 parts are done. The RandomSociety is kicking up the Flash Activity, so we might be able to get the collab on NG in a matter of 2 or 3 weeks.

Collab Names:
TouchDownTurnAround Collab (A Little Too long)
TDTA Collab (Better..)
PixelTool Collab (Pretty Good Name..Because it's basically all pixeltool) Besides the picture of Egoraptor Naked Below, the collab required that the parts be made of mostly That tool.

I might name it the HelloGoodbye Collab

Give me some good names if you can think of them.

DONE (Or REALLY F***in Close):
Author Bios
4 out of 9 parts (That Ive been shown, Im pretty sure there are a few that are close to finished that I have not seen yet)

Not Done:
Really just the parts I havn't seen progress on, but Im sure they will be a smashing success.

OMG... I bet you weird-o's are wondering what's under that bubble of his. ;D

A Collab in the Works.