I'm an old fart who farts.

Matt @FrozenFire

Age 33, Male

Graphic Designer

Texas A&M University

Houston, TX

Joined on 9/26/05

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Why did you need to say this?

Your Latest Blog post contains one word. I think that speaks for itself, even if the word isn't even in English.

Your frustrations expressed in textual format won't help anything.
Don't get me wrong, I wish it would, but these kids have been saying the same things for six years, they're not about to change.
Best just ignore it. Don't let it get to you.
When I submitted my first movie back in 2005, I spent hours pouring over the negative reviews getting frustrated and irritated by them.
After a while I just stopped giving a crap. They don't even matter. As you cant tell what kind of review they'll be just by glancing at them, I usually don't even bothering reading them, moving right on.

Kartune Hustla was speaking to me about changing the text format into a flash. Pulling though with it might make a slight difference depending on Tom's willingness to give it Publicity.

It would, of course, have to obtain bright colors and flashing lights to keep them entertained while learning at the same time.

While I more or less agree with you, I think that even one helpful comment isn't good enough.

I think any review that isn't completely thorough should generally be not allowed. I don't want to be like pushy or sound elitist, but I think a review should be a flipping review and not a goddamn shoutout like YouTube has with their insane and retarded comment boxes.

Youtube.. It's infested with Fools, Anime worshippers, and Morons. I rarely Find a worthwhile video. They need a crap filter like Newgrounds.. Just more strict.

Also I couldn't agree with you more, but we need to take baby steps..

Can't turn Ed into Double D in one day.

for some reason when i give critique on a flash that EVERYONE says is awesome i get a useless rating, seriously what is up with that.

That's the whole point of this thing. It seems like a review that is more than 8 words long and has a score of less than 10 is useless. They must be afraid of complex sentences or even compound for that matter.

I've only been 'round here for 'bout a year less then you, but I no what your talkin' 'bout. 30+ flashes I got & all of 'em are plagued by either short 1 sentence reviews of uselessness or some dumb kid being an idiot.

Their are some real good artists out there which give good sometimes great advise. We can't change any of this. All we can do is wait for poeple to grow up.

Also, the RocketMan thing made my day. ^^

I love it when artists give advice on my movies. The most memorable review on my flashes was by Molkman who told me some stuff that I will never forget.. Thanks to him I am now doing something different in flash.

All it takes is a few extra minutes and you could change someone else's point of view, art style, outlook on themself or even their life.

"Youtube.. It's infested with Fools, Anime worshippers, and Morons. I rarely Find a worthwhile video."

Oh the irony!

I know what you mean.. At least it's not AS bad here as it is there.

We actually have a big amount of intelligent people here, their willingness to express it is pretty low unless antagonized.

Notice Rtil's post about Metal Gear Awesome, it AWOKE THE BEAST as many people posted BRICKS OF INTELLIGENT DISCUSSION (Mostly). That kind of mentality is just fantastic.

i've been whining about this same crap for 5 years.
its not gonna change.

Lots of Negative Nancies here :D

Hi Zekey.

I Bet it would if we all went on strike. Flash Animators stop sending in animations so the NG viewers will stop taking our hard work for granted..

Too bad they can just go to Ebaums world or Youtube instead :P

Im going to sleep I will respond to later posts after school tomorrow.

I suppose it needed to be said, but I'd rather we do something to stop the spammers instead.

the problem is, the spammers are like the antagonists from cheesy horror movies--you just can't stop them, and no matter how slow they are they keep coming.

whatever, man, just keep fighting the good fight for quality

Good comparison. Those guys in the movies seem to run a lot when the camera is not on them, because they catch up no matter how hard the prey runs.

Hopefully this ends with some survivors.

lol! the smoking linkin pic is awsome! lol!

Why thank you, He was a little devil in his day. :D

Maybe if the bosses were more strict things could change, i mean, sure, they have a system now, but it could be improved , and for spam flash too, but maybe they wont (or are afraid to) do it because "newgrounds is for everyone" or "teh freedom of speech" or "newogrounds has more freedom than others sites" or whatever excuse people here make to spam, and people could not like the site anymore, and maybe they cant take the risk to lose trafic, or they just dont care, or maybe they like that, who knows...

And yeah, i know i make useless comments sometimes, but in my defense, i dont review very often...

You should review more often then.. Im fine with some useless comments. I just wish they were labeled as useless and not helpful..

Im not fine with stuff like Fleek said below... It doesn't hurt me really, it mainly just makes NG look bad.

I think people use the review system as a comment box because thereexists no comment box connected to the flash itself. Perhaps if both existed and a firm distinction was raised between them, then there would be less meaningless comments submitted as reviews.

On the other hand, I don't think anything can be done to actually increase the number of helpful reviews. Writing a review takes time and effort. The average viewer is watching your flash purely as a spectator, and thus writing a review goes way beyond the level of effort they came prepared to face. In the words of the Japanese, Shikata Ga Nai.

<3 Everything you just said. Honestly...

I've got wood. And I agree with you, so many people just use their reviews for being a fanboy.

But, sometimes, gushing is good - some things (MGA2) are so awesome that giving criticism - or a favorite part - is hard. And also, I wouldn't mind being flattered once in a while.

Sure, Giving Useless reviews once in a while isn't BAD at all! :D

I personally think Saying GOOD JOB! WOAH!
Is fine, but it isn't helpful so it shouldn't be labeled as such.

The only thing I find worse than people just writing short unhelpful messages. Is that a few days ago I took the time to write out a full review of everything that can be improved. Few days later I get this in my inbox...

"Shut up u fuckin retard u dnt know shit about madness mabye he likes to animate like that and anyway he gotten better in past 6 months u can say oh no he gets revived or somethin wow wat if he does it was good and it aint ur buissness to take the piss outta somethin i watched ur animatioon it aint as good as his so shut up u fuckin gai twat"
This was the person who submitted the animation was actualy very cool about it. But this was apparently his friend.

I havn't had a Newgrounds account for long....is this type of thing a natural occurrence?.
I would never have thought giving my honest opinion and telling sombody how they can improve would make anybody act this way.

madness lovers and sprite lovers are very proud of their affection and do not take criticism of it lightly.

I was called an anti-semite for submitting Tomamoto's the Kingdom.

You're pretty.

... Kay.

Very Nice Job, I like it!

You are USELESS :D

I too share your concern for questionable reviews. It's something that may never truely be "fixed". And even if Tom and the others came up with a way that could, it may cost them too many users to make it worth the effort.

In the end, I think maybe the best thing we can do is encourage well thought out and written reviews, and set good examples of them by doing so ourselves.

Can you get useless comments aswell?

Got a few before, not really allowed to rate them though.

Posting your message may have seemed useless, but at least it informed me a little bit. :3

I try to do my best to give informative reviews when I feel the need to give them, but a few not-as-useful, opinionated ones slip through and people think they're useless... and then there are the comments that spawn foot-in-mouth disease or just have that general air of "wow, that was a retarded thing to say...". ^^; My best rule of thumb is if you can't say something nice, constructive, or funny, then don't say anything at all.

I rarely get burned because of giving or receiving comments, but oh man have I been driven away from making forum threads... the only one I made half-consisted of responses for me to "draw a penis lol!". God forbid I have a genuine question that yearns for legitimate and thoughtful responses... >:P

...I also rarely get burned because of submissions, but that's only because I'm too much of a coward to go forward with making my cockamamie ideas into animations. :(

Hahah Draw a Penis Damnit!!

Bring me philisophical questions. Im interested in that sort of stuff.

Yes, I always make many helpfull, and yet they are classed as useless, maybe even flagged by some users.
My latest example, the review I left for Metal Gear Awesome 2, if you look for mine close to the end, it is "under debate but overall useless" Yet I gave areas for helping it and infact made it very detailed and even related it to other work.

Those kinds of reviews that get useless scores was what sparked this Post.

I see people taking their time to List out Good Points, Bad Points, Faults, and Suggestions. Even giving Decent Scores of 7 - 10, yet still are considered useless by the mass of Fans.

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