I think your very right. I have been around for a little now and I really like writing reviews and I take it seriously. But if you check my profile you'll see there aint many. Why? Because of the flood of One Liners, One Worders or even Sign Language Freaks! I fear that the thoughts I take at least some ten minutes, mostly more, will just be drowned and never ever be noticed. And although this might sound a little arrogant but I value my thoughts and will not waste them. I only ever made one review that only consisted of one word and I've made a resolution now to go forth and set a good example and review every movie and game I watch and play, and thats a lot daily and these reviews will be good ones. The other, more minor reason I haven't written that many reviews is that I'm a reply-whore and thus mostly chose artists that had a trend of replying to reviews, but I tossed that now.
Don't get killed
This was classed as useless - My work
The art work still has yet to be inproved, but what I noticed was you made it run smoother, though this greatly took out the style that was evident in the earlier ones.
The voice acting was good, but the story was just completely copied, on the original you made slight changes to it in the way it was said, yet on herethere was no originality, the only area that did could have been the talk with Naomi.
The joke about Otacon wetting himself was far to drawn out, I didn't find the over the topness of it very funny, and it lasted for far to long, I almost closed the animation.
One of the small parts that I found was funny was his line of "I'm going to bang that" or whatever it was along those lines.
The animation was overall to short as well, it should have lasted beyond that point especially as you took so much time over it.
I would say work on the art more, the part with the lazers looked very badly drawn, also the way in which you made it flow more continuosly actually made it work less, as this prevented the image from being well made. I would prefer to see a smooth highly graphical piece rather than a less graphical piece that is made to be over smoothed.
Still I hope the next one goes well. Just work on the art work, humour and story.
While this was classed as helpful - Some random user
awesome :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
))))))) :3
Explain please. Well, they are just stupid really.
FrozenFire (Updated )
No need to explain anything. There is no real reason that it is helpful.
Their are just serious fanboys/girls who don't like that someone disliked their favorite flash.