I have Ordered the Smallest Cintiq Model after spending a quick 1082$ :P
Now I got to earn that money back by animating some stuff.
Both of my big projects have not been started yet, but planning has been implemented.
First off, I have been working with Tomamoto a little bit to see if we can kick off a series. It's going to be like a Kickass version of Shin Chan, but I'm not going to give any big info about it until it nears the release. I have been writing the script and we have decided to collaborate with the writing process so I have stopped to wait for approval and additions.
Then Rina-Chan of the Awesome Series has agreed to do the main character's voices while Toma does the others. If You are a voice actor, I have made sure to leave some small parts for you guys to get your voices in if you want to participate. Knowing me, I always like to get people to have some fun and interest in my projects by letting them take place inside of it.
Then I have been ripping apart many songs as well as asking Proudone to be prepared for any song requests because he's my amazing music man.
My Second project is not even off the ground yet, but once I get approval I will be diligently working on it as well with Joliner. This project is a game based solely on gravity, so it's slightly out of the players control whether he/she wins or loses. It's mostly a "Luck" or "Guesstimate" kind of game.
HERES A LOVELY MESSAGE FOR THE EVER SO WONDERFUL ME. This message was sent to me a long time ago and was a big misunderstanding but I still find it completely hilarious.
ASSMAN huh? Sound appropriate somehow... Gotta give it up for the internet. It sure knows how to bring out the "best" in people.
I'd be willing to some voice work for ya if your intereted. Haven't voiced anything for anyone other than myself for quite a while.
Ill make sure to ask around when the time comes. :D
Just stay close for the summa.