My class Has been doing a project on the Seven Deadly Sins,
Below me is Jealousy, using my two dogs.
The whole thing is found here
I'm an old fart who farts.
Age 33, Male
Graphic Designer
Texas A&M University
Houston, TX
Joined on 9/26/05
Posted by FrozenFire - February 19th, 2008
My class Has been doing a project on the Seven Deadly Sins,
Below me is Jealousy, using my two dogs.
The whole thing is found here
Posted by FrozenFire - February 14th, 2008
It's a short piece on love. It was made for a Commercial contest so It can only be around 30 seconds long :(
Posted by FrozenFire - February 3rd, 2008
I have been working on a commercial for a website, I will most likely post it here if allowed.
I don't want to spare details because It's short enough as it is.
I have put more effort into this commercial than any other flash I have done, even working at school to complete it.
Animation :70% done
Sound : 15% done
backgrounds 100%done
Sex: Not even close ;D
Here's a picture to encourage that there will may be a sex scene.
Posted by FrozenFire - January 4th, 2008
The movie is in the second Christmas update on the front page.
Make sure to check out the other items on there too :3
Posted by FrozenFire - November 21st, 2007
This is a great site, you should check out what they have to offer.
Also suggest It to the Funny Cartoons section on Newgrounds.
Posted by FrozenFire - October 5th, 2007
my one and only. What you think? good enough to at least have a fighting chance against swain,stamper, and wonchop? The only color used is white.
Posted by FrozenFire - August 29th, 2007
Well, like most people, school has begun for me. But About 2 weeks before this, I signed up for a Bunch of collabs to keep me busy.
D is for Death collab (finished and Submitted)
Flathead collab (Finished)
Loneliest number collab (Working on it)
24 hour fbf challenge (Submitted and I won :D)
Milanotoons (Finished and Submitted)
Blvd of Broken Songs collab (Finished)
Brain hanging upside down collab (Submitted)
Whew.. I'm done singing up for them.. Now I just have to kick my ass to finish the rest ;D
Also I will start working on a Serious Solo Project soon When I get my life sorted out, The beginning of school seemed to rush everything into a blur.
Posted by FrozenFire - July 17th, 2007
I finished my Page stuff, It's alright and check out the movies done by my flash mates and myself. This Redesign has got me really hyper and hoppin' around :)
Also check out my Fave movies, because they are worth watching.