Alright Uneducated visitors of the Front Page who obviously never read these things, this is another retarded rant about people saying Reviews are "Useless" and "Harmful" Just because they are negative.
Since Bricks of text won't interest people who review with such substance as "Yo Rox, Haff Muh BABEES." or "MAIK MOAR N0W PL0x!" and Vote 10, I guess I will have to keep it short and Sweet.
-If a review says "This sux. Go die" - it is a Hurtful, agressive, cruel Review. So say it is so.
-If a review says "I dun like this." - it is useless as a review.
-If a review says "Very Nice Job, I like it!" - it is useless as a review, because it does not tell why the reviewer liked it.. It doesn't give any suggestions, hints, Good Points, or even a "Favorite Part"
-If a review says "This is okay, I really think you could have toned down the Music a bit, it was covering up the dialogue and I couldn't understand." - it is HELPFUL as a review. It gives a Hint, suggestion, something to make it better. Personally as an animator I don't appriciate "GOOD JOB! I want to kiss your ass!" as much as "Avoid doing these kinds of tweens or movements."
-If a review says " GREAT JOB!!! I REALLY LIKED HOW YOU USED THOSE ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS! " - it is Helpful, because it helps the animator know that the Atmospheric effects are something he should keep doing in his later movies. Now he knows that his audience really likes those effects!
Just Keep this in Mind.. I have been seeing this bullcrap for a while now and I finally Arsed Myself to type this.
For bothering to click on my post I will give you a nice Photoshop pic I made a while back out of Lincoln sitting in his cozy chair.
Why did you need to say this?
Your Latest Blog post contains one word. I think that speaks for itself, even if the word isn't even in English.