I'm an old fart who farts.

Matt @FrozenFire

Age 33, Male

Graphic Designer

Texas A&M University

Houston, TX

Joined on 9/26/05

Exp Points:
33,540 / 33,580
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
9.61 votes
Art Scouts
Lt. General
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
11y 4m

FrozenFire's News

Posted by FrozenFire - February 7th, 2013

So I am currently employed as a Technical Artist at a small game design company. We are working in the Unity engine so I've been coding in C# for the past few weeks applying GUI elements and learning a lot about how the engine works with 2D.Most recently, I programmed the game to function properly with an Xbox 360 controller.

With all of this experience I've begun planning the sequel to my "Choose Your Own Adventure" game, Relive Your Life! Most likely also going to be built in Unity. It's going to be much bigger. Not hastily written or planned like last time. Platforms are up in the air right now, but I want to shoot for PC/Mobile.

Just keeping NG updated :)

Oh and OUYA dev kits are out GUYS!

Employed + Relive Your Life 2

Posted by FrozenFire - January 6th, 2013


I made a short. Hopefully more in the future.

I love you.

New Toon! Derpasaurus Rex!

Posted by FrozenFire - December 18th, 2012

So things.

Reached 1000 fans! That's awesome I'm so glad people enjoy what I'm putting out.

I was scouted in the art portal! My fourth illustration is a Wreck It Ralph/Street Fighter mashup.
http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/frozenfire/ra lph-got-street-cred

School semester is over. 3D animation is done. Not submitting here or anywhere, but now I can work on all the things I put on hold. Should have a toon done in the near future.

Toon will still be on NG before anywhere else. It's not AMAZING but it should be good for a laugh. :)

Oh Boy!!

Posted by FrozenFire - November 6th, 2012

So four years ago I posted this lovely gem.
http://frozenfire.newgrounds.com/news/post/21993 0

Personally, I feel like both candidates this year are awful. Just like last time(I could not vote then)
Still, I went with my gut and voted for the one that would provide the strongest support for human rights. I voted for the one that's more likely to keep the Bible out of government.

It's so obvious how much your parents and guardians control your thoughts when you are young. Youngsters beware.. your parents aren't as smart and all-knowing as they lead you to believe.


I am working on an iPhone game that has made SHITLOADS of progress. Like all graphics are pretty much done and level design is about 60% done. If you have an iPhone of any gen and want to beta test when the time comes (~a month) then put tell me below. The game is called Statiq.

America President Stuff + iPhone Game Stuff!

Posted by FrozenFire - October 15th, 2012

Meet me at Barcade. It's lonely here at 10AM.

Also Click This Guys

Tough Mudder
Me and fellow newgrounds user, EthanAlways, participated in Tough Mudder in Austin.
A lot of fun, beasted the course. Ethan's been getting super involved with the site, participating in both the latest game and movie jams. Also Too Scared To Poop and Limberjacks vs. Treehuggers are his team's submissions.

Hey Tom, I'm 21.

Posted by FrozenFire - September 26th, 2012

Firstly, I created a facebook page where I've been uploading WIPS and other cool shit. You might find more interesting than your cousin's biased rant about politics or football so give it a like!

I will be starting work on a series of animated shorts soon. AND BECAUSE I LOVE NEWGROUNDS THEY WILL BE HERE BEFORE YOUTOOB

So I decided to go fucking nuts earlier this year and start saving up for the tablet from Wacom that was finally released last month. Relive Your Life helped me peak my savings goal, and MY GOD IT'S HUGE AND AWESOME.
Cintiq 24HD w/ Touchscreen

I started uploading new arts too, at 3 now. Can be scouted soon I think.


Posted by FrozenFire - August 28th, 2012

So this follow thing is bonkers.

If you want you can FOLLOW me.

I promise to start making things more regularly for NG in the coming months. Game Design is fun but I miss animation sometimes... and I really don't take advantage of my tablet like I used to because my work is really more styling shapes than actual drawing now.

School started up which means I will be working in a group to complete another 3D animation going through the entire pipeline. Also I'm taking a course on the Unity3D engine so I hopefully I can create something fun with that soon. I'll need to be sharpening my HTML5/CSS skills even more this semester too.

On the plane ride back from Philly I was asked what I would like to drink, and I told the stewardess to bring me her favorite drink (It's usually my response if I don't have a preference) She brought me clamato juice to fuck with me, and I found out how freaking amazing it was. Now I have a supply on hand at all times.

Freaking try it, with ice... and cheese-its...

Follow! School! Clamato!

Posted by FrozenFire - July 30th, 2012


So I got a message today that Relive Your Life was plugged along with the Indie Game Movie on Felicia Day's Flog show.
Gave me an insta-chub.

She links to the Armorgames version though :(
(Kongregate and Newgrounds have a save feature)

In other news, I was interviewed about the game as well from a different party. It hasn't been published online yet but I'll post a tidbit now. Might as well.

1)How long have you been making your own games?

I participated in a "Power of Three" game tournament on Newgrounds.com in Summer 2009, the project finally got released in February 2010 under the name "Primary"
I would provide art for games ever so often before then, but this was the first time I was truly involved in the process of making a game. I learned a lot from my partner, Dave Fulton, who was extremely critical of anything I did. I'm pretty sure everything seen in that game was redone at least 3 times because he wanted it to be perfect. Lots of gripes but I'd always listen to him and pull through. In the end, I thanked him for being honest because it really helped the final product.

2)How long did it take to make Relive Your Life?

FUN FACT: The game was actually made two times. My studio course gave me a month for each project we did. The second project was an interactive narrative, and I partnered up with a great funny dude from my class. We made a prototype of the game, Relive Your Life, which only had 16 endings. My partner, John Moody, was the narrator for this version. Instead of animating the narrator, I had video of him talking in a recording booth. This ended up taking a huge chunk of data and corrupted the whole project.

The final project for the studio was to take any of the prototypes made earlier and make it better. So I chose Relive Your Life, started coding and animating everything from scratch. Rewrote a large part of the script and added a huge amount of additional content. Once Arin said he was on board, I was so pumped I didn't leave my dorm for a good 2 weeks to animate everything on time. In the end, I animated and coded everything for this version in 24 days and turned it in on time. (And I received an A in the class w00t!)

The game was 90% done when I actually flew up to Philadelphia to celebrate Pico Day. My previous game, Symphonic Tower Defense, was nominated for game of the year. I met Arin, as well as Tom Fulp the creator of Newgrounds. The plane rides up and back were a good time to sync audio and video. (I actually worked on the plane/bomb/morgan freeman part on the plane and the girls next to me probably thought I was nuts)

Currently two projects in the works.
- A Walking Dead parody - Mick Lauer and I just riff raffed about Walking Dead and he did impressions and I'm animating it. No rush on it, I don't have fans to disappoint or anything. It's kinda funny, but I'm focusing on quality because it's probably the only parody I'm ever going to do.

- An iOS game with Jon Sandness - Team Symphonic is back together and we started working on a new project with electricity and color. Going to be beautifully vibrant from what I've done so far.

Posted by FrozenFire - May 30th, 2012

If you haven't played Relive Your Life you should give it a try! It's about 4 minutes each time you play through.

Now that it's all pretty much over I guess I'll do one of those "Look back and write about it" entries and maybe someone will find it worth reading.

At the beginning of the semester, my professor told us her studio was a focus on interaction and storytelling. She listed three prototype projects we would be spending a month on each. They were
- Stop motion animation (storytelling focus)
- Interactive story/game (mix of interaction/storytelling) - Relive Your Life Beta
- Interactive fashion/installment (interaction focus) - Made a functioning Piano Key Necktie

So I knew from the start that I would be making an interactive story in flash, which I wanted to go all out on since I was comfortable in the program. At first I had a much more deep and personal flash in mind, involving a diverse group of thinkers who live through a day in their lives controlled by your decisions. In the end all of their lives would clash and how you made each person act would determine the result. It was much deeper and meaningful, and probably would have been appreciated more by the artistically non-digitally inclined elders that control the program.

But then I chose my partner and the whole direction changed. I chose to work with the most goofy, funny, and likeable guy in the course. Naturally I wanted to make the most of the partnership so right away we ironed out our idea. All the examples gave people simple choices, left or right? You had an idea of what would happen if you chose either. We wanted to make you fight for your decision, we wanted you to earn your ending.

We planned out this preposterous idea that you would start as a sperm and you'd fight for humanity, otherwise you'd be a weird mutant, and your life would continue from there. The original didn't give you the option of being a woman. John and I worked on a plot map, which ended up having 16 endings and 32 scenes. It was symmetrical and predictable, you'd know how to find each ending just by common sense. Another problem was that players always went for the win, regardless of the outcome. (This version had my partner as the narrator, and I had video of him talking... which took up a SHITload of data) The fla crashed as I was trying to finalize everything so I could publish it online, and I lost so much time and basically tossed the fla aside.

So once the last month of school came around, we were told to take one of our prototypes and improve it for the final. I chose Relive Your Life and this time went solo.

I could have taken the easy way out and just cleaned up the games, and add music and sound effects... but I didn't.

First thing I did was send a message to Arin Hanson, asking him if he would be down to be a narrator for my final project. He was ridiculously quick to respond and just a ridiculously generous to say yes. I mainly asked him because I watched Sequelitis and I wanted to handle my narrator the same way he handled his. (Instead of video, this saved me a lot of time/filesize) I added a female branch and a few more branches in other locations to total 52 scenes and 29 endings.

The final was due May 1st, and I started coding the minigames from scratch in a more structured and efficient manner on April 8th. All the games were coded by the 10th and I literally spent 3 weeks in my dorm animating scene 1 to scene 52 non-stop to a very strict schedule. (I got chewed out by my gf a few times) I didn't have audio recordings until the 25th, a few days before I left for Pico Day. The day before was when I finally finished animation for all the scenes so I spent the plane rides to and back from Pico Day on my laptop putting animation/games/audio all together. I returned from Philly on April 29th and BARELY got my game done in time, Audio included. The backgrounds were painted quickly on crescentboard with watercolor.

May 2nd I showed it publicly to groups of people and got some seriously good feedback, although I noticed some trends among players that I'd need to address before releasing online. I spent a few weeks testing and adding features including medals and saving. And then viola it's here!

It's doing really well. This is the first time I've ever coded something to this extent in Actionscript. Most I've ever done prior was buttons. I'm nowhere near most of the programmers here, but this studio course has really geared me towards coding. I really enjoy it!

And yes, I got an A on the project and an A in the course.

Special Thanks for Relive Your Life
My Professor - Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo
My TA - Morgan Jenks
My Partner for the Prototype - John Moody (Helped write parts of the script and revised my additions for consistency)
Ethan Gallardo - Known as EthanAlways on NG for painting like 4 backgrounds. If you need voicework give him a holla he's a good friend of mine.
Arin for obvious reasons.
TomFulp for being an all-round amazing guy
Andrew Virostek for listening to my gripes all the time.

Relive Your Life Submitted - Looking Back

Posted by FrozenFire - May 22nd, 2012

Special Thanks to Kalar for writing it out. If you have only a few endings to go then by all means look here. Otherwise leave it a mystery it's more fun that way!

Key tip for Mashing Games - Don't be a tryhard, make sure your x key actually goes all the way back up too.
(I have it checking for key down and then key up, so if you go too fast it might not register)
also make sure the flash window is active... if you click on the flash game anywhere that should make it active.

Key tip for Typing Games - Spaces are necessary, and I allowed you to press shift if you have a tendency to do so.

Key tip for Sequence games - The order of appearance is key, not left to right always.

Female Endings (Don't Tap X at all during intro scene)
1. Take Left Toy -> Let Time Run Out
2. Take Left Toy -> Hit Heart with Needle
3. Take Right Toy -> Let Time Run Out -> Let Time Run Out
4. Take Right Toy -> Let Time Run Out -> Beat the challenge
5. Take Right Toy -> Beat the Challenge

Bi-Gender Endings (Tap X during intro scene but don't win)
6. Don't Wiggle (Die)
7. Wiggle a little (Not too much) -> Let Time Run Out -> Let Time Run Out
8. Wiggle a little (Not too much) -> Let Time Run Out -> Type Sentence
9. Wiggle a little (Not too much) -> Hit X when eyes are half-open -> Let Time Run Out
10. Wiggle a little (Not too much) -> Hit X when eyes are half-open -> Beat the challenge
11. Wiggle a little (Not too much) -> Hit X when eyes are fully open -> Let Time Run Out
12. Wiggle a little (Not too much) -> Hit X when eyes are fully open -> Make the shot when hands are high
13. Wiggle too much -> Don't punch (Gives another achievement) -> Scratch-off Left
14. Wiggle too much -> Punch when guard is up -> Scratch-off Right
15. Wiggle too much -> Punch when guard is down -> Don't tap X
16. Wiggle too much -> Punch when guard is down -> Hit X enough times

Male Endings (Hit X enough times in the intro scene, can be difficult)
17. Don't tap X at all -> Let time run out
18. Don't tap X at all -> Beat the challenge
19. Tap X but don't win -> CHOOSE A LINE and fail the sentence -> Let time run out
20. Tap X but don't win -> CHOOSE A LINE and fail the sentence -> Beat the challenge
21. Tap X but don't win -> "I play the guitar" and type the sentence -> Miss the high-five
22. Tap X but don't win -> "I play the guitar" and type the sentence -> Hit the high-five
23. Tap X but don't win -> "You girls are pretty" and type the sentence
24. Tap X and win -> Don't type anything -> Let time run out
25. Tap X and win -> Don't type anything -> Beat the challenge
26. Tap X and win -> Fail the sentence -> Tails
27. Tap X and win -> Fail the sentence -> Heads
28. Tap X and win -> Type the sentence -> Let time run out
29. Tap X and win -> Type the sentence -> Beat the challenge (This one is worth 100 points!)

Corrosponding Medals!

1. The Naked Mile*
2. I ain't sayin' you a golddigger*
3. Mutually Assured Destruction
4. Blind Runner*
5. Puppy Love*
6. Dead Mutant Baby
7. The Dr. Phil Tango
8. Daytime Tv Trio*
9. Meet Joe Black
10. Nice Save!*
11. 30 Rock Date*
12. HomeRun!
13. Big Mouth!
14. The Amazing Quadrupede! *
15. Self-Consumed Donut
16. Shoop Da Whoop!*
17. The Man Who Owns Time*
18. Human Appliance
19. Dreamin' with Morgan Freeman
20. My Hero.*
21. 100 MPH SPANK!
22. Ultimate Velocity Five!*
23. Mee-Yow!
24. Hellfire Injection
26. Tails Never Fails*
27. Hide N Seek
28. Dressing in Drag

* are good endings in my opinion

Relive Your Life Game Endings Walkthrough