I'm an old fart who farts.

Matt @FrozenFire

Age 33, Male

Graphic Designer

Texas A&M University

Houston, TX

Joined on 9/26/05

Exp Points:
33,540 / 33,580
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Vote Power:
9.61 votes
Art Scouts
Lt. General
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B/P Bonus:
11y 4m

FrozenFire's News

Posted by FrozenFire - May 21st, 2012

So glad to finally get this huge file online. Flash decided I couldn't add anything else to the file (I spent all yesterday making subtitles and lipsyncing but "NOPE SORRY," said Flash)

Anyway play it and tell me what you think! It's supposed to be funny/silly
And for those wondering there are three prizes for the drawing. $25 prize (paypal only), a personalized drawing courtesy of myself, and your own short gif animation (whatever you want).

Relive Your Life is OUT! PLAY NOW!

Posted by FrozenFire - May 3rd, 2012

So Pico Day was amazing. I met everyone and their mother Im pretty sure ;)
I'm going through the weekend in my head and trying to remember all the names and faces.

Highlights for my experience
-I'm a few months from being 21, so I was prohibited from going into the bar/arcade that everyone was meeting. I was completely fine with talking to whoever was outside at the time, I assumed a few people would take smoke breaks relatively often. Jaxxy, Tomamoto, RicePirate, and LeftHandedSock told me straight up that they were willing to chill outside with me and talk, which was pretty fucking cool of them. Then to top it all of Tom followed suit and we all discussed about Newgrounds's future as well as the movies Warlock and Strange Days which I will be watching in the near future.


-Luis made sure I knew what a batwing was, Tomar demonstrated beautifully.
-HaniaLee and I teamed up to gracefully lose a game of Pool in the NG office. She was really sweet and pretty damn funny. (Apparently stripes and solids are called bigs and littles in Australia?)
-Turns out El Cid went to the same program that I am currently in, he's a talented man and we talked for hours about pretty much everything. I've been in a class with his little sister for the entire semester and I had no clue... very small world.
MasterAardvark fingered my mouth, and the proceeded to tell me a story about how he recently bathed his hands in Oney's filth ;D
-Oney took some pretty candid photos of everyone and drew dicks on the projector :)
There were plenty more great moments....all in all this was a lot of fun and I'll definitely try to make it out there again.



So I set an extremely high standard for myself and for a final project, I was to animate/code an interactive narrative that could split off into various routes at critical points of the story. It ended up with 52 scenes(each about a minute long) and 29 possible endings. I chose a style that was effective but simple enough that I could produce in a mass amount in 26 days.

Well I just presented the project today to multiple groups of audiences of all ages and genders and nothing broke, the game worked just as it should. People loved it, some came back and tried again for a better ending. The challenge was won. I will be submitting it to newgrounds in ~2 weeks. I plan on adding achievements to encourage multiple playthroughs.. possibly even more content.

Pico Day Meetup/Challenge Accepted&Won

Posted by FrozenFire - April 22nd, 2012

~PICO DAY 2012~
So RicePirate and Lefthandedsock are gonna bunk with me as I visit the Newgrounds office for the first time ever! I'm super excited and I seriously will try to talk to everyone at least once and put a face to a name.

If you see me there don't be afraid to approach me (that is, if I'm not being raped by Jaxxy and Tomamoto.. then please wait your turn)

~Relive Your Life 2.0~

I made a ridiculously large sized project for University last month and it kinda fell through (I still received a pretty good grade for what I did have as a prototype)

I decided for a final, I would take what I learned from the previous version and enhance EVERYTHING and even add more content. Within 2 weeks, I've animated ~15 mins of content, and I've got the amazing pleasure of having Egoraptor be the narrator of everything. This is the first time we've ever really talked so it was really fucking nice of him to be on board even though he's pretty busy.

I made a facebook page where I'll be uploading daily progress animations and thoughts. If you want to see a game go from nothing to something cool in a month you should become a fan!
(I even recoded everything to work more efficiently!)

Below is a picture of me, just in case you want to destroy my face with your pelvis at Pico Day.

Cya at Pico Day + ReliveYourLife News

Posted by FrozenFire - February 6th, 2012

Good luck you guys! Fingers crossed :)
I love you all ;)

Especially Luis.

Posted by FrozenFire - January 27th, 2012

I don't really get the point of Tumblr apparently, but my professor is grading it each week as sort of.. work documentation.

I've been writing a bunch of junk about my past experiences and some screenshots of things I'm working on. If you care you can follow me. Maybe you can teach me how to use it properly because gif images seem to be all the rage. D;

Also this thing is really white so people using Macs will jizz their pants.
http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/d7 ec89835cd65b980f5886c04d729b07

TUMBLR my nuts!

Posted by FrozenFire - January 18th, 2012


Posted by FrozenFire - December 17th, 2011

I mean just look at that face. He's fucking sexy as shiet.

Castle > Everything Else

Posted by FrozenFire - October 31st, 2011

After a lot of rushing and long nights all alone. Symphonic Halloween Expansion is here.

Happy Halloween you lil' skippers! :)


Symphonic Happy Halloween

Posted by FrozenFire - October 15th, 2011

So today I turn 20 years old. Good fun.
Texas A&M beat Baylor
I will be playing Batman Arkham City upon release as I now have a Preorder Coupon.
I talked to a Dreamworks representative yesterday and saw a bunch of acceptable portfolios.
Have a 99 in Physics

All in all pretty great weekend so far.

September NAC contest revealed quite a bit of talent and I decided that 4, not 3 of the entries will be in the second (and final) installment of Symphonic TD. As much as I enjoyed making STD I think if it continues as a flash game it can't be much more than it already is. Should be out before the end of this month :)

It's My Birthday/SymphonicPt.2

Posted by FrozenFire - September 15th, 2011

We have ~ 14 entries (guestimation) as of now for the BEAT TO GAME Newgrounds Audio Contest!
We are FOR SURE putting 3 of these songs into Symphonic TD Expansion... but if we have more we want to add we will most likely pick from the rest of our entries so there's no reason not to give it a shot! :D

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/12 69654/1

You still have a week left! I haven't listened to any of the submissions yet (holding out for judgement) but I'm pretty sure from the musicians I recognize that they will be amazing :)

Also received this message...
"Ey FrozenFire, I have posted your game "Sympohnic Tower Defence" on a French TV and...They accepted to post a little critic on a little program called "Temps Perdu" in Nolife-TV."
Thanks a bunch Monsieur-Monsieur!

Newgrounds Audio Contest (1 WEEK LEFT!)