Why is Fettucine Alfredo popular?
I'm an old fart who farts.
Age 33, Male
Graphic Designer
Texas A&M University
Houston, TX
Joined on 9/26/05
Why is Fettucine Alfredo popular?
cuz it's fuckin' delicious.
^ Because it's delicious.
Thanks bro :)
Why is GaGa populaar? The Lady one
Not only does Lady Gaga dish out top singles that make people want to dance, she's also very good about getting attention. Her Twitter account revealed her humorous side about a "Hermie Dick" she had to go suck, which gave a huge blast of news about her. Her clothing is also the talk of the press as well.
She just loves attention and we will give it to her. This is why she is popular.
Why is pokemon popular?
This question goes along with Anime. Pokemon was a more down to earth, cute, innocent anime television show that was introduced to young audiences in America more than 15 years ago. Since then it has grown in popularity because of successful game sales due to the addicting desire to level up cute pokemon. Eventually the first Pokemon movie was released in America and had great success (I remember I saw it the first day)
The addition of more pokemon and continual release of new episodes and games keeps Pokemon as a prominent Japanese affiliation.
Why is the "cake it's a lie" joke so popular?
I've used this joke in a few games before. It is simply because Valve is very good at advertising campaigns. They know how to hype, sell, and make memorable characters. P0rtal was a fantastic game with a dark humorous undertone. The cake is a lie was simply a scribble on the wall warning you that you would not be receiving your cake anytime soon.
Eventually this caught on and took off as the most apparent catchphrase of Portal.
why is your mom popular?
The "Your Mom" phrase got popular because people who got into verbal fights in lieu of physical violence could not come up with a decent comeback. Saying "Your mom" was a popular low blow at first but eventually grew tiresome and is no longer popular. If your mom is uttered nowadays you end up looking like a desperate tool. You must get with the times JPB.
hahah i love this, you are too cool my friend! Also, why is this post so popular?
<3 I miss you Xavier
This post is so popular because I respond seriously to my inquiries and the entire time I'm supposed to be studying for a calculus test that I really don't want to take.
Why do I keep posting in this entry?
I dunno GTFO ;)
Why is Newgrounds popular?
Why are Jodie Foster and Bob Ross popular?
Jodie Foster is an actress for movies.
Bob Ross painted on Tv eons ago.
The only thing these two have in common is their lack of popularity.
why is Sunny D and rum so popular?
The Beverage Itself
Sunny D, or Sunny Delight as it was formally called, tastes tangy. It has a chalky aftertaste, but refreshing nonetheless. If mixed with rum, or any alcoholic mixture for that matter.. it loses it's pure taste for the sake of inebriation. Being intoxicated is a common leisure time activity, and it very popular among those aged between 16 - 28. The desire to make alcoholic beverages more fruity and less painful to swallow is considered okay for women, but a double standard prevents straight men from being able to comfortably enjoy most of these beverages.
This is why a simple home made Sunny D and Rum mixture is a solution to not being called gay at the bar and is much more popular.
Ke$ha's Song
KeSha is almost as popular as lady gaga but she lacks the ability to be too outrageous or sing live because she is a terrible singer. Look above for Lady Gaga if you want to know why Kesha's songs are popular.
Why is your upcoming Tower Defense Game popular?
It's a breakthrough in TD technology.
Why is Lavos not popular?
Lavos is an ugly creature. He lacks the charm and cool that others bring to the table.
Why is 'Why is __________ Popular?' popular?
See KartuneHustla's Post for the answer to this post.
why did you delete my post lol?
It was not in the form of a smart question
Why is Science Popular?
We use computer science when we type on the keyboard. We use biology when we down that delicious freebird's burrito. We use chemistry when we burn the wood for our campfire or start the engine of our car. Physics is pretty much self explanatory.
Science is everywhere. This is why it is popular.
Why is Justin Bieber popular?
Although Justin Bieber is young and prepubescent, he can sing quite well. His songs aren't particularly clever or well written, but his fanbase doesn't care. He is popular because he is a cute kid who got a big lift from Usher into music fame from Youtube. Despite being famous he's a pretty sharp kid, though.
Why is egoraptor so unpopular?
(I will stop now)
Egoraptor's animations used to be much more anticipated, but it seems he is moving on to better things. He brought out jealous and angry emotions from those who despised the video game parody genre's somewhat generous success, however Egoraptor continued to push the boundaries of hilarious exaggeration.
Classics they will remain, but yes is no longer extremely popular.
Why isnt Werner The Whale Popular?
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/549396">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /549396</a>
Werner the Whale should be popular, but sadly he has only been given one day to flourish. Give it time Fatty.
Why are you doing this?
Because I'm popular you wouldn't understand