Here's some fun stuff to see. ck2.swf
I'm an old fart who farts.
Age 33, Male
Graphic Designer
Texas A&M University
Houston, TX
Joined on 9/26/05
Posted by FrozenFire - February 6th, 2011
Here's some fun stuff to see. ck2.swf
Posted by FrozenFire - January 11th, 2011
So very few people know I've been working on a Tower Defense Game for a bit now. I've attempted tower defenses many times before and I find they are the hardest to make fun. (Mainly because they've been done so many times so a fresh idea is rare)
Well I've come up with one and my programmer and I are very proud of the results so far so expect that in the future.
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While researching to see if my idea had been done before, I came across a game in the works that is EXTREMELY IMPRESSIVE to say the least.
It's the only FPS Tower Defense title I've seen so far, and it's titled SANCTUM. It's still in the works too but the good people at Coffee Stain Studios have been so kind as to release a demo.
It's only 12 waves right now, but people have been saying it's really hard. I have beaten it twice, but I'm still trying to beat it without losing any lives. I'm so glad I can call this "research" :P
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And here's a place to download it
I drew something too here u go
Posted by FrozenFire - January 4th, 2011
Didn't pick the name but my team's Game Jam game idea was from my obsession with the game Stacker that you see in like movie theatre arcades and stuff.. Where you press a button and try to time the blocks to stop all the way to the top. Well... it's easy at first, and then it gets narrow and the blocks move faster and the last row (which if you get you win a huge award like an ipod or Wii) is FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE. That's why I wanted this game to be super duper hard as well.
I've gotten a high score of 100 that's my max so far but like every game I've made Im determined to beat it. I come back every few hours or so and give it another shot. I JUST got Teacher's Pet medal on Manhattan Project a few weeks ago so this is the only game of mine I've yet to master.
Anyways here is the game
Here's a pic for birthday girl
Posted by FrozenFire - December 24th, 2010
College left me no real time to animate so when I got a break I joined this collab and finished,joined game jam, and completely redid everything for a game Im working on (in a week)
The collab is out so here you go.
Below is wacky Eskimo antics. Oh Harvey what won't you do to fit in?
Posted by FrozenFire - November 28th, 2010
Dave says:
hows school treating ya?
FrozyFire said:
math is hard
but Im doing pretty alright
Dave says:
math is only hard cause you haven't done it enough. it will get easier
well you are already smarter than I am
FrozyFire said:
I want comp sci classes not this math poop
Dave says:
well trudge along, you never know what will catch your fancy or help you in the long run
FrozyFire said:
yep. I really hated my design classes but then I put a shit ton of time and effort into my work once I broke up with my GF and now Im like #1 in both classes
Dave says:
HAHAHA yeah a GF in college is a waste of money and time. Best to just choke the chicken and have good friends to hang with.
FrozyFire said:
I will choke all of my chickens extra hard now thnxx
Dave says:
no problem. I can send you some pictures of animals having sex from national geographic if you need me to.
FrozyFire said:
Dave says:
That is how much I care about your education.
FrozyFire said:
Im putting this conversation on NG
Right now
to show everyone just how funny you are
Dave says:
Ok well be sure to include all of it... Oh, so how did your parents take you telling them you are gay?
And hows the herpies?
XOXOX <3 - Dave
Dr Spaceman is the greatest television character ever. (Although he is not a very good doctor)
/* */
Posted by FrozenFire - November 14th, 2010
I always wanted to be interviewed but no one will ever give a shit what I have to say. If you have any questions you want me to answer please post them below.
-I turned 19 in October
-I got a nifty certificate of my "Outstanding Contributions to the Community" for Newgrounds courtesy of Tom Fulpxoxox <3 pic below
-other shit happened too it's pretty cool
Posted by FrozenFire - September 28th, 2010
Insert a name into the blank and I will tell you why that person is popular.
If you write my name I will give you silly conceited answers because it's fun to pretend to have self-confidence on the internet.
PS. 30 Rock is an awesome show
Strawberry Clock
1. He tastes delicious.
2. He tells time.
3. He educates children 1/26th of the English Alphabet.
4. He puts out.
Okay lets do this.
Below is a picture of a fan cosplaying as the evil black monster in my game, Primary.
Posted by FrozenFire - August 17th, 2010
Manhattan Project is doing pretty swell around the web. If you haven't played it yet please do so :)
I've been working on a really neat music game with a bud of mine. No real announcements yet but I can tell you that it features a bunch of NGAP songs fused together into about 30 min of gameplay. At first we planned on having each song be a level but then decided songs weren't long enough to pull that off. If this game is a success we have big plans for the future installments.
In other news I begin moving into college in a week. Exciting shit goes down there I've heard, but I must experience for myself.
Below is a picture of my dorm.
Posted by FrozenFire - July 11th, 2010
SONG COUNT 16/12 Overloaded
My programmer and I are currently making a music based game and need musicians to assist us. I'm not asking for custom songs or much of your time or anything :)
Our game is more electronica and techno, but if hip hop is a possibility. Trance, Dance, etc.. all good. :)
If you are interested...
What we need is, if you have any already published songs on Newgrounds and still have their Fruity Loops file (OR ANY OTHER MUSIC GENERATION FILE) and all the samples for that song, to talk to us and we will tell you how to break it up for us. (Essentially you will just be muting certain instruments, and then creating an MP3 File)
We've done this with a few musicians already and it takes no more than 15 minutes.
If you wish to participate, just add me on msn -
or Skype - Newgroundsbuddy
We can chat and I'll just explain in further detail and show you the game as of now.
Posted by FrozenFire - June 28th, 2010
After a whopping 1... ONE entry, we have a winner for the contest!
Yeah that's right I had about 20 pms saying "Has anyone completed the challenge yet?" or "I beat your challenge where's my money?" (without a video walkthrough)
or my personal favorite, "I played your game, what kind of worthless piece of shit makes a game about a horrible tragedy like that? You deserve to burn in hell." to which I linked him to wonderful games like Pico's School and Tax Day for hours of extra entertainment.
So here is a walkthrough of how to get the Teacher's Pet achievement, in the description he even gives some pointers. You will also notice the gameplay is rather smooth...LagB'Gone.
PART 1 - 0mh0
PART 2 - Lztw
Happy Massacring! :D
Btw I did some push ups today check out my progress.