Probably most of the people who browse Newgrounds at this point won't recognize me, it's been a while since I put anything here. I'm still creating animations and interactive projects, but they are mostly for corporate entities and not all that fun to watch. I'll post some of them here.
What am I up to?
After graduating college, I started working at a company that owned several subsidiaries and I designed all of their websites, brochures, catalogs, etc. Basically anything any of these companies needed, I made it or learned how to make it. Eventually I realized I worked too damn fast and about 8 months into my job I ran out of things to do. They would start making me do data entry (putting pdf data into excel spreadsheets for 8 hours a day) or other tedious and boring tasks to justify keeping me around.
Why work for four companies at once and only get paid as if I'm working for one? It was then that I decided to start my own company. I work from home now, currently with 5-6 corporate clients who subscribe to my services.
Below is something I've animated since then. This is my own copies of the animation that I added NG music/SFX for portfolio purposes. The actual animation is one of several that plays on a loop in their lobby without any audio.
This diabetes animation was actually featured on a few local Houston television channels. They wanted it to mimic the whiteboard style and be a decent elevator pitch for their product.
Outside of work related stuff, I bought a house and will be getting married early next year! Also I have a doggo.

Congrats on the successes, matey
Thank you!