I had a comment contest last week for $25 and the randomly selected winner is Kevin! Congrats!
I want to do more contests like this (Probably more game related) on the Facebook Page. Become a Fan for updates on this!
Become a fan of Symphonic Tower Defense on Facebook!
In more game related news I recorded myself playing Symphonic. I played a relatively slower paced song in the game, but on tough it's still a challenge! You can probably tell I have problems with talking(explaining) and playing at the same time. :O
Lastly I got bored and tinkered with FL studio again finally. I've always wanted to be a decent electronic musician. ( I'm a former trumpeter, and that inspired me to make both this song and the game above.)
The Bollywood Tango! ( Short Loop )
Congrats to Kevin, but honestly ... getting to play this game ... WE'RE ALL WINNERS!!
:D Im glad you enjoyed it!