Well, not ever, there are some pretty good ones out there.
I was listening to my Iphone on my Bose Speakers when I thought to myself...
"WHY THE FUCK IS THERE NO NEWGROUNDS AUDIO PORTAL ON MY DAMN PHONE!?!" with the very strong attitude as depicted by capslock.
After years of research and sifting through the obvious "Yo bro flash is a no-go on the Ipho....ne.", I decided to bring it to the attention of possible coders who want to make money because I'm too lazy and stupid to figure it out.
In other news I have a game almost done and I hope Tom likes it bc it's kinda.. for Newgrounds. Still a boy gotta make tuition. Ill post a trailer possibly and get some beta testers later to give it a shot.
Here's a picture of my dog eating chocolate.
I'm a possible money who wants to make some coders
Then get on it, Benji!