Saw the movie, tops my favorites of Pixar knocking Finding Nemo and Monsters Inc down a peg.
-I had really low expectations because it seemed like a dull idea, but boy was I in for such an amazing surprise.
Kay first 20-30 minutes is basically the story of our old dude and his lady. How they met, loved each other, dreamed of exploration, married, and it was extremely adorable/sad
I cried- bitches.
The chick's name was Ellie and she had one giant tooth missing so there Luis go touch yourself to her growing up to a perfect smile. ;)
Then Oldie McFrankenstein fears going to retirement home so he gets his balloons out for an amazing ride, where an enthusiastic cub scout follows. Their ride in the house is intense but short lived. The cub scout reminds oldie of his childhood so he developes a bond with him. This is where the Hilarity kicks in and you just fucking enjoy the ride.
Watch it. 2D is preferred.
The pre movie show is called "Partly Cloudy" and it's a take on the Stork and his relationship with the clouds. The clouds would create the cute animals and the storks would gladly take them to the earth to share. There is one challenged cloud that is incapable of creating anything other than the most ugly and vile animals and this is where the conflict sets in. Really funny ;)
I loved that movie.